hotmail schrieb:
> Can anyone help me as I am having a few problems with getting MIAW to work
> properly.
> I am writing a game and need to have the main action part of the game
> appearing in a window infront of the rest of the screen and I think that
> this needs to be a MIAW (I am using a large sprite that scrolls around the
> stage and if the stage is above a certain size it slows down dramatically -
> MIAW is the only way I can think of to deal with this). The problems that I
> have are....
> 1. - When I first start the game (or if I set the windowList to [] ) I
> cannot get the MIAW to respond properly to the handlers and commands that I
> am sending it. If I stop the movie then start it again it works fine. The
> movie that is in the MIAW is a one frame movie containing only a on exit
> frame - pause - end script in the frame 1 channel and everything else is
> dealt with by using the tell command (using an object to represent the
> window rather than the window itself - ie tell townWindow  not tell window
> "town"  - although changing this doesn't seem to help).  When an error
> occured as a result of this problem the movie shifted to frame 2 (only used
> for a game over screen) and didn't stop whether I pressed debug, script or
> cancel. After this happened film loops displayed in the MIAW would not
> animate until I cleared the windowList again.

Try using more than one frame. If You combine a script and a pause in
the last frame of the MIAW this will very often lead to unexpected
results - BUG-Alert!!

> 2. - The MIAW will open itself in the right place if I start the movie with
> the enter key but not if I use the play button on the button bar - would it
> help if I ran the main movie as a MIAW as well inorder to make sure that
> they align with each other properly or would I be creating more problems
> that way.
Guess thats more problems! Try comparing the scripts. It should not make
a difference.
> 3.  - When I tried to create a projector it went haywire and couldn't find
> cast members that were definately there ( I am using 2 external casts shared
> between the 2 movies - one for scripts and one for the sprites - and the
> internal casts are empty).  I do sometimes get an error (director had
> problems compiling scripts - error 205 I think - when I open the movie but
> not always or even that often.

I don't remember exactly, but I think on error 205 You would best make a
'save as', open the seaved file and then 'save and compact'
> 4. - Not actually a problem but I am using a series of parent / child
> objects that have been birthed from moviescripts rather than cast member
> scripts, is this likely to cause me problems (as handlers could reach the
> movie script as well as the script of the object that they are being
> addressed to), I did try relocating the script into the script of a text
> cast member and giving it the same name and even the same cast number but it
> didn't seem to work.

Parent/child scripting will not work with scripts which are part of a
text or whatever member - 'me' is not defined I guess.

Hope this will help You a little

Regards, Florian
> I hope someone can help me asap, I have to finish this game by monday, it is
> coming along fine apart from these little problems. I am using Director 7 on
> a Mac running OS 8.6, I tried to run the movie on a windows PC and I didn't
> seem to have the same problem with no1.
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