At 3:23 +0000 01_01_24, Pranav Negandhi wrote:
>I beg to differ on that....I think I've heard someone mention 
>Dir-Opener...It opens the dir cast score and
>>Is there any way to unprotect a .DCR file
>>to view it with director.

I'm sure that Tab didn't mean technically "No", he just meant no to 
types like Juan, who doesn't present a valid coverstory for their 
need to open a protected file. In those cases it is apparently 
considered consensus that we pretend that the protection scheme 
actually work.
I don't agree with that consensus, believing it can do more harm than 
good, in the case that the naive developer believes he's protected 
and the cynical hacker finds out he's not anyway.
As is the case on these lists, if  you tout a touching story about a 
classroom full of little students with crying eyes, someone will 
spill the beans and show you how to get to anything but the source 


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