At 05:49 1/30/2001, R Kumar wrote:

>on mouseUp me
>   videoplayfrom(sprite 1, cueList[pIndex])
>   pIndex = pIndex + 1
>   videopause(sprite 1)  --(If i dont use this line it
>does not skip to the next segment)
>   if pIndex > cueList.count then
>     pIndex = 1
>   end if

Why not use videoSeek first, then videoPlay? That's how you would do it 
with a video tape, right? Or, I suppose, videoPause, then videoPlayFrom.

Or, if the MPEGXtra has the segment commands (DirectMedia Xtra has them), 
you could set the segments and play them that way.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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