At 14:32 2/3/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Thanks for the suggestions all.
>What extras do you need to open the url's in Windows? I have a standard copy
>of Director 7.02 on both Mac and Windows systems. Its driving me nuts. It
>happens on two windows machines in the authoring environments and as a

The NetLingo Xtras that come with Director. If you've placed them in an 
Xtras folder instead of including them in the projector, you'll need to do 
the same for the PC versions of the Xtras. If they're included in the 
projector then don't have them in an Xtras folder, too - just one or the 

But - you say it happens during authoring, too. As Kurt mentioned in the 
other thread, this may suggest pathname problems. Unless, of course, the 
Xtras folder is missing from the Director application's path.

>I still can't get them to work. I even tried creating a new movie with two
>frames that uses a button and the built-in behavior from Director.

Maybe somebody tweaked on that behavior. Does it work if you create your own?

on mouseUp

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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