Hi all,

Can anyone enlighten me on what I am doing wrong here.
I am on WIN 98, D8, Riva TNT 32Mb vid card
I can't get seem to get a colordepth change to be reflected in a movie
that is called from the projector.
In the projector,I first check the colorDepth, if below 16 I store off
as a global for later use and set the colorDepth to 16 after this I
check it again to confirm and open an MUI for the user to proceed if it
didn't work (all working fine).
Then I call a new movie( in which I put a simple alert that reports the
colordepth state for testing)
But this new movie visually opens in the original colorDepth (8) while
reporting that the Depth is 16
I have tried updatestage on the first frame of the new movie, also set
the colorSwitch property to TRUE.
I can't think of anything else, all debugging/reporting tells me nothing
is wrong.
Thanks to anyone who can save my sanity.

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