At 12:41 PM +0100 2/7/01, Chris A. wrote:
>I liked director 8 demystified.
>Got a lot out of it.

I was disappointed with this book.  The Lingo reference has the exact same
errors as the online Help system in Director and the word "multiuser" is
completely non-existent in the book.  As though the Multiuser Xtra which
has been in Director since version 7 doesn't even exist.




...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on visitWebsite yourSelection
 coolSites = [ \
   #greatSeminars : "", \
   #directorIntelligenceAgency: "", \
   #freeBehaviors : ""]
 gotoNetPage coolSites[yourSelection]
end visitWebsite

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