
I'm authoring in Director 7 on a Mac, for a project to be delivered in 
Windows. I'm using QuickTime 4 on both platforms. My QuickTime files are 
audio only. Some use cue points and some don't. With the default installation 
of QuickTime the setting is direct out. That causes sounds to get clipped and 
not play real smooth. The sound is narration at 16 bit, 22k. When I switch to 
Wave out sound is much better. But either way, in Windows, I get occasional 
and unpredictable crashes. I am not preloading the sound.

Any ideas. Is there a QT Xtra greater than QT3 (that's what I have). Any body 
know why it would crash every once in a while?


Greg Lippert
Studio North Creative
44 Evelyn Street 
Trumbull, CT 06611

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