> It could. You need to save your Flash out as Flash 4. Even them, I'm
> not sure if D7 supported Flash 4--I wasn't paying much attention to
> Flash back in the D7 days.

Director/Shockwave 7.0.2 support Flash 4.

Christopher Watson
Sr. Software Engineer
Lightspan, Inc.

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Kerry Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   Monday, February 19, 2001 12:52 PM
                To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject:        Re: <lingo-l> loading flash in director

                >i was not able to make that work for some reason, i have
flash 5 and am
                >making a projector from director 7.

                It could. You need to save your Flash out as Flash 4. Even
them, I'm not 
                sure if D7 supported Flash 4--I wasn't paying much attention
to Flash back 
                in the D7 days.

                >i had the swf use a ActionScript

                Director doesn't support ActionScript yet.  Think about
it--you're using a 
                version of Director that was released a couple of years
before Flash 5, 
                maybe even before Flash 4--I'm not sure of the timeline.

                There are many good reasons to upgrade to D8--stability,
neat new features, 
                perhaps better Flash support (just a guess).

                Kerry Thompson
                Learning Network

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