Hello Slava,

>From what I remember about menus, they are always displayed on top of the
Stage window, even if you call the installMenu command from a MIAW. You
cannot use that command to make menus within the MIAW.

You do have a commercial Xtra that lets you make Popup menus, but for my
own use, I've written this little behavior. You can download it at
http://www.geocities.com/pranav_negandhi/menubehavior.htm with all comments
intact. For a demo of what it will look like, point your browser to

PS : If anyone makes any changes in the menu behavior, please mail me a
copy. The most important thing needed in it is a way to speed it up. It's
pretty slow right now. Maybe someone can help me out on that.


I have a D8 (Windows 2000) movie with menus created by the installMenu
command. The menus work fine in authoring and in a projector, but do not
show up when the movie is opened as a MIAW. Lingo Dictionary says menus are

not available in Shockwave, but says nothing about MIAWs. Is there a trick
to using menus in MIAWs? I tried all window types for the MIAW, and my
menus don't show up in any of them.

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