The fontstyle is actually a list: ["Bold"]

That should work!


-- Clint

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of jmk
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 4:35 AM
> To: Lingo-l Mailing List
> Subject: <lingo-l> formating with lingo
> i would like to create something like a simple text editor with 
> director...
>   i got an editable textfield, a button which is supposed to change 
> the fontstyle of the selected text to "bold" and a script:
>                                       on mouseup
>                                       s=selstart
>                                       e=selend
> member("Textfield","Cast").char[s..e].fontstyle="bold"
>                                       end
>                                       result is:
>                                       1. my variables show the correct 
> beginning and end of my selection
>                                       2. an errormessage 
> "Property not found"
> i'm using director 7.02 for windows.
> please help, where is the mistake in this script
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