>Has anyone found a really great way to check the CPU speed of a computer so
>that the presentation can be branched to a high/low quality version?
>BuddyAPI will get the speed of the computer but just on a PC, not a Mac.
>InstallXtra is cross-platform but doesn't get the CPU speed, just the type.
>Any thoughts? TIA.

The way I've done this in the past is to repeatedly do whatever the 
most demanding thing is, and then time it. For example, if you want 
to do a cross-fade of full screen graphics by changing the blend, or 
just a cut on slower machines, do a few blends of your title screen. 
Something like this:

on exitframe
    counter = 0
    repeat while the timer < 60
        set the blend of sprite 1 to 199 - the blend of sprite 1
        --this will make the graphic become a blend of 100 then 99 then 100, etc
        counter = counter + 1
       if  counter = 6 then exit repeat
     end repeat
     set gFastmachine = (counter=6)

On a fast machine, the six blends would happen so fast that there 
would be almost no delay. On the slowest machine, the longest delay 
would be one second. By that time you know whether the machine is 
fast enough to do at least six blends a second.

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