At 6:33 PM +1100 2/28/01, Luke Wigley wrote:
>Hi Listers,
>I've got some 2D arrays (list of lists), and I need to figure out the
>neighbours of any one cell in the array. For example, imagine a list like
>  [ Q W E R T Y ],\
>  [ A S D F G H ],\
>  [ Z X C V B Z ],\
>In the past, to find out the neighbours of cell in column 3, row 2 (ie the
>"D"), I'd do something like this:


Here's a programmatic way of solving this without the need for padding:

on getNeighbours (array, row, col)
   nRows = count(array)
   nCols = count(array[1])

   neighbourList = []
   repeat with rowOffset = -1 to 1
     repeat with colOffset = -1 to 1
       rowIndex = row + rowOffset
       if (rowIndex >= 1) and (rowIndex <= nRows) then  -- check bounds
         colIndex = col + colOffset
         if (colIndex >= 1) and (colIndex <= nCols) then  -- check bounds
           if not((rowIndex = row) and (colIndex = col)) then  -- 
don't include itself
             neighbourList.append(array[rowIndex] [colIndex])
           end if
         end if
       end if
     end repeat
   end repeat
   return neighbourList

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