At 10:39 AM -0500 3/19/01, steve wrote:
>How do a return a value from a child object?
>From a script I
>On something
>Return  10+10
>Put something()
>But that does not seem to work with a child object.
>On something me
>Return  10+10
>Put something my object()


You create an object by calling the "new" handler in a parent script. 
A minimal "new" handler in such a script would look like this:

-- AParentScript
on new me
   return me

Then, you create an object from a parent script using a line like this:

   myObject = new(script "AParentScript")

After executing the above line, the variable "myObject" is assigned a 
value called an object reference to the child object.  Using 
different terminology, myObject is basically the address of where the 
object lives in memory.  After creating (or "instantiating") the 
object, you can now call handlers (also known as "methods") in the 
object.  So, in your example, you had a method like this:

   on something me
      return 10 + 10

But, you need to call the method of the object to do it.  You would 
do this by issueing the following line:

   put  myObject.Something()

This line specifies that you are calling the "Something" method 
within the "myObject" object.   If you have a method with parameters, 
you would specify them inside the parenthesis.

Hope that helps,

Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.

        (Over two millions lines of Lingo code served!)

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