"LePhuronn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> As you all seem to be industry professionals of one sort or another, I would
> like to impose upon you two questions:
> 1.) Have you heard/seen any other stuff out there that uses this approach?
> 2.) What do you think of the idea?
> Feedback would be MUCHLY appreciated, especially those of you in e-Learning
> circles...

Well, I think this is a cool idea, in fact, I have been planning to make
my invadirs tutorial into a tool-MIAW-Xtra using similar techniques for
over a year, but apart from the time it would take, there is one thing
holding me back, and that is that I am concerned that people might not
learn the stuff so well if it's really easy to click a button and have a
script, or some script text installed into your cast. Still trying to
think this one through.

Even so, I'm surprised that this technique is not used more often. Only
the 'show me' movies do anything like this, and they do not interrogate
the main movie at all.

I've also been thinking that you could make a 'live' remote lingo course
using the multiuser server, so that each student could contact the
teacher (and each other) inside the MIAW. This would be even better,
because I'm afraid that some pretty hairy heuristics would be necessary
for having the MIAW debug the student's code automatically. ;)

> I've got the Save as Java package from the mothership and installed the
> UIHelper Xtra. Thing is, I ain't gotta clue on what it can do or a list of
> its functions/methods/routines.
> So...
> 1./ Anybody used it before and can give me some pointers
> or
> 2./ How do I get a list of them. I know there's the interface() command and
> stuff, but I'm not sure.

put interface (Xtra "UIHelper") will give you the Xtra interface, but
what you want are the following global handlers supplied by the Xtra:

*setCurrentCast int castLibNum -- sets Director's current cast
*activateWindow int windowId -- brings the window to the front
*activateMediaEditor int memberNum, int castLibNum -- opens a media
editor window

*activateScriptEditor int memberNum, int castLibNum, int selectionStart,
int selectionEnd -- launch and scroll script editor

The last two are the most interesting of course.



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