At 10:27 05.04.01, you wrote:
> > i could be confused. before the timeout objects i used to use a custom
> > object that did the same think, and i know we could do it in ours.
> > should be easy enough to test though...
>I already tested it a while ago, and you know what does get passed? The name
>of the timeOut itself. Odd, isn't it?

Yes exactly! I coundln't work that out either...  well I do sort of 
understand what'S going on

The wierd thing is, I had already tried tagging the parameters on at the 
end (the obvious solution) and in a 'movie' script that works for the FIRST 
parameter! But I wanted to pass 2 parameters and hey-ho waddaya know, guess 
what was the second parameter - yep the timout name. Soon as you try 
passing to an object though, I guess because the objekt reference itself 
gets passed too, my one parameter slot was missing.

I think being able to send ONE parameter to a movie script handler is a 

Otherwise I guess I'll just have to make do with writing specific timeout 
handlers. The idea of the timeout wrapper is more or less what I'm doing 
know, but the entire 'state management' functionality is encapsulated in 
the object itself where the timeout handler resides.... which is why I 
wanted to pass the paremeters. I'd rather not introduce yet another level 
of abstraction! After all, what I've got now works... and you know what 
they say about things that aren't broke! :-)

Thanks for the suggestions anyway,


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