> If you stored them as HEX then you could write them out as
> text files and
> not have to worry about any binary files. But if you are familiar with
> binary then that would also work. In general, if you have the
> files as blobs
> of HEX or binary then yes your idea would work.

Hi guys,

If you need to read or write binary files then the BinaryIO Xtra from
UpdateStage may be what you need. BinaryIO was designed to read, write and
edit binary files on the Mac and the PC. As you know, Director's built-in
FileIO Xtra was designed to work with text files. You cannot use it to
successfully read binary files because data in the binary file will look
like formatting characters to FileIO. BinaryIO contains many methods for
reading and converting data values. These methods aid in creating or reading
media files to conform to a file specification.

BinaryIO can handle Mac, as well as PC files, with ease. There are several
methods that enable Mac-specific operations, such as writing to the data or
resource fork and setting Finder attributes.

 Price: $149.00
 Platforms: 32-bit Windows,Win 31,Mac
 Director versions supported: 5,6,7,8

For more information or to purchase BinaryIO go to



Al Hospers
Marketing Associate

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