To the List:

I just tried to take this Director Help script and turn it into a small 
movie.  I created a textbox with symbols & characters in it and I made a 
small mouse Up button that calls this handler.  I put this script into a 
movie script, and I was hoping that this would go through the text in the 
textbox and delete characters that aren't letters and turn all letters into 
Capitals.  (That's what Director Help says it should do.)

What's wrong?  (It's not working.)

on ForceUppercase input
        output = EMPTY
        num = length(input)
        repeat with i = 1 to num
                theASCII = charToNum(input.char[i])
                if theASCII = min(max(96, theASCII), 123) then
                        theASCII = theASCII - 32
                        if theASCII = min(max(63, theASCII), 91) then
                                put numToChar(theASCII) after output
                        end if
                end if
        end repeat
        return output

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