> I am going throug macromedia's list of xtras at present. off hand does
> anyone know can director take two sprites and create a 
> composite pict that
> i can save to a file?
> is there an extra to do that?

Yes there is, and it's free :)

<snip from the message window>
put xtra ("scrnXtra").interface()
-- "xtra ScrnXtra
-- ScrnXtra v2.0.4 of 17-Feb-98 by Kent Kersten
-- Copyright (c) 1996,97,98 Little Planet Publishing.  All rights reserved.
-- For updates see http://www.littleplanet.com/kent/kent.html
-- Contact the author at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- This no-charge Xtra may be freely distributed as long as it is
-- accompanied by its documentation and sample movie.
-- Stage Capture Functions --
* StageToFile int left, int top, int right, int bottom, string filename
-- Screen Capture Functions --
* ScreenToFile int left, int top, int right, int bottom, string filename



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