At 10:26 PM -0400 4/15/01, Kurt Griffin wrote:
>  > David,
>>  You are getting this specific error message because the keyword
>>  "sprite" only takes one parameter - the spriteNumber.  The question
>>  is, what are you trying to say when you keep referencing:
>>  sprite(1, "pictures")   ???
>>  sprite(1)    refers to whatever cast member is in channel 1 in the score.
>Not to bust Irv's chops, but actually, "sprite(1).member" refers to whatever
>cast member is in channel 1. sprite(1) has a lot of other, non-member,
>properties that can be referenced through dot syntax.

I consider my chops busted - Kurt is correct.


>Learning about debugging will help you immensely as well - those error
>messages usually point you toward the problem code (usually... ;)). I
>believe there are a few articles on DOUG related to that subject.

Check out my article on using the debugger on DOUG at:


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.

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