At 01:25 PM 4/30/01 +0100, you wrote:
>  Hi  i'm lloydie and i'm new to director and have director 7 & using lingo.
>I need to knoew how to play in a single frame in the score & and then lave 
>the frame once it has played all in the one single frame and then going 
>onto play the next frames..this includes sound as well that i need to loop.

Okay, so if I understand what your asking, you are looking to loop on a 
single frame while a sound is playing and when that sound has completed go 
to the next frame...

One thing you will want to do is setup markers to help with this. Markers 
are basically navigation points within the score (refer to help for more 
info)... The lingo to loop and move in could be:

on exitFrame me
  if soundBusy(soundChannel) then
   go to the frame
   go next -- next is that next marker along the score...


-- Clint

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