>Thanks Kerry
>I am sorry i am giving u trouble.

Oh, don't apologize. I didn't mean to sound like I was scolding you--just 
passing along a tip to help you get the most out of the List. I was in a 
bit of a hurry trying to catch a plane, so my tone may have been more 
abrupt than I intended.

>U only replay me so i directly contact u.

I understand, and I don't object to your contacting me directly. It's just 
a lot more effective if you give the whole list a chance to chime in :-)

Also, be aware that your posts tend to come in late at night, U.S. time. 
I'm not sure where you are located--my guess would be western or 
southwestern Asia. Anyway, the List is international, but a lot of the 
regulars live in the U.S., and we're asleep when your posts come in. I'm a 
night owl, so I often am the first to reply to those late-night posts. Give 
it some time, though, and plenty of other people will answer :-)

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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