> Oh thanks but i don't know that script so if u have then tell me.
Type the following in the message window:
put interface(xtra "fileIO")
That will show you all of fileIO's commands.
Here is a basic "save text" script (the "bones" of this came from LIAN a
long, long time ago... Thanks, Bruce):
--stringToSave: The string to write into the external file
--saveFileName: The name for the file when it's saved
--saveFilePath: Optional. If you supply a path, the file will
-- be saved to that directory. Otherwise, the save
-- dialogue will be used to get a path from the user.
on saveText stringToSave, saveFileName, savefilePath
resultflag = -1
--instantiate an instance of the fileIO xtra
filextra = new(xtra "FileIO")
if not objectP(fileXtra) then
alert "FileIO not installed."
return resultFlag
end if
if the platform contains "Windows" then
setFilterMask (filextra, "All Files, *.*")
setFilterMask (filextra, Empty)
end if
--If no save path is passed in, then open the dialogue box
--and ask the user for a directory to save to
if voidP(savefilePath) then
savefilePath = displaySave(filextra, saveFileName, saveFileName &
end if
--Create the file to write to
createfile (filextra, saveFilePath)
case (status(filextra)) of
--All is well
--The file exists, so open and delete it, then try to create it anew
openfile (filextra, saveFilePath, 0)
delete (filextra)
createfile (filextra, saveFilePath)
if status (filextra) <> 0 then
put "Error:" && error (filextra, status(filextra))
return resultFlag
end if
--Another type of error. Put the error to the message window for
put "Error:" && error (filextra, status(filextra))
return resultFlag
end case
--Open up the file so that it can be written to
openfile (filextra, saveFilePath, 0)
if status (filextra) = 0 then
--Write to the file
writestring (filextra, stringToSave)
--Set the file resources
setFinderInfo (filextra, "TEXT ttxt")
closeFile (filextra)
return 1
put "Error:" && error (filextra, status(filextra))
return resultFlag
end if
I suggest that you study the above carefully, rather than simply using it
without understanding it.
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