> I have this before going to a different movie:
> on mouseUp
> If soundBusy (1) then sound fadeOut 1, 60
> If soundBusy (2) then sound fadeOut 2, 60
> go movie "myNewMovie"
> end mouseUp
think about it now...
you check if soundBusy in channel 1. if there is a sound and it is playing
you fade it out. while the fade is happening you check if the other
channel's sound is busy. if it is you start fading it out. then you
immediately go to the next movie. the process of going there stops the sound
REGARDLESS of whether or not the sound has faded completely. and it won't
ever be completely done before it goes there because you are telling it to
jump right now.
> Does the sound fadeOut have to be in a loop until
> it is completely faded BEFORE the "go movie..."?
basically yes. here's is one possible way to accomplish what you want to do:
1 - remove the go movie from the button script
2 - have the button script, the mouseUp, set a flag like gMovieJump. it
could be a global variable. that is easiest. it might look something like
global gMovieJump
on mouseUp me
If soundBusy(1) then sound fadeOut 1, 60
If soundBusy(2) then sound fadeOut 2, 60
gMovieJump = TRUE
end mouseUp
3 - put the go movie in an if-then statement in your exitFrame handler and
check the gMovieJump flag it every time through. perhaps like this:
global gMovieJump
on exitFrame
if gMovieJump then
-- check to see if the sound has faded
if NOT(soundBusy(1)) and NOT(soundBusy(2)) then
-- be sure to reset your global 'cause it is persistent
gMovieJump = FALSE
-- the sound has faded so jump to your movie
go movie "myMovie"
-- keep looping while you wait for the sound to fade out
go to the frame
end if
end if
remember, your milage will vary.
Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.
A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."
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