---- Irv wrote ----
> In your code, if the user types a symbol (pound sign for example
> where the key = 35), it will fall through all your case tests and
> land in the otherwise clause. The code of the otherwise clause is
> "pass". Pass means to pass this key through to the field - which is
> exactly what is happening. If you do not want to pass such
> characters, use "dontPassEvent"
> One extra style comment. Instead of repeating "chartonum(the key)"
> in so many places, do it once at the top of you keydown handler,
> assign the result to a local variable, then use the local variable
> everywhere:
> keyValue = charToNum(the key)
> case TRUE of
> (keyValue = 13): -- RETURN
> submitWord(me)
> etc.
> While the results will be unnoticable in such a short handler, it
> does make the code more readable, and is a good tehnique will speed
> up code in general.
> Irv
cheers Irv. I was a little unclear on the sequence of passing - your mail's cleared it
up for me. (In my head) I was meaning for Director to ignore the event - guess I
didn't read the pass description thoroughly enough. Like you said, "dontPassEvent" -
which is "stopEvent" in Dir 8 - has done the trick and it works like a charm.
As for the style - I usually bang out the code, then go back and optimize it once it
works. Thanks for the tip though - it did look ugly to read when I look back at my own
mail :)
Since I figured that the user should have access to keys such as left, right, DELETE
etc I've now made a list of allowed keys and use the case statement to check the key
using a getone <> 0 statement. Works well.
thanks for the help,
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