>>Is it possible to play multiple sounds (i.e. soundChannel(1) &
>>soundChannel(2)) simultaneously on Windows NT?

Generally, yes.

>>Also, on NT, is it possible to play a sound on channel (2) while a
>>Quicktime is playing?
>>Director 7 (PC obviously).
>You can easily play normal sounds at the same time as each other in
>NT. To play normal sounds and QuickTime sounds at the same time, you
>need to set the sounddevice to "qt3mix".

Most versions of NT don't truly support DirectSound which allowed
multisource mixing. I think some later service packs supported true
DirectSound, but earlier versions of NT simply mixed from one source. Thus
Colin's admonition to use QT3Mix to mix audio from Director and QuickTime

Complete details on Windows soudn mixing can be found in Chapter 15 of
Director in a Nutshell, free online at:


NOTE: You should upgrade to D7.0.2 in almost all cases, including yours.
The DirectSound mixer wasn't introduced until D7.0.2


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