> First off, you have this:
> set sourcefile=app_Path & "\" & "Qbase.txt"
> and if you put the applicationPath in the message window you will see it
> already has the trailing path separator. I'm surprised it works on 2000
> either.
> Also, it probably doesn't matter but since you're using BuddyAPI anyway you
> might use baSysFolder("windows") instead of getOSDirectory() as the returned
> path also includes the path separator while getOSDirectory() doesn't.

That answers your main question, but in regards to the other question:

>> can anyone suggest a way
>> to detect the OS and have a case statement to include the appropriate code
>> for each OS.

Buddy has a function that will get you the system version,
baVersion(versionType). VersionType can be several things, "os" being the
one you would use to get the system version. This certainly has its uses, so
I thought it worth posting.


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