on 5/31/01 4:45 AM, Roberto Molari at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How can I get the Hotspot ID in a QTVR?
> I'd like to obtain a thing like this
> (this beahvior is linked to the QTVR)
> on mouseup
> put "the hotspot that I've clicked"
> end on mouseup

The hot spot ID is the second argument returned with a triggerCallBack

First establish a QTVR triggerCallBack in your pano's begin sprite behavior:

property spriteNum

on beginSprite
  set the triggerCallBack of sprite spriteNum = #MyHotSpotClickCallBack

Then, in a movie script

on MyHotSpotClickCallBack me, myHotSpotID
  put myHotSpotID

Ray Broussard

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