> I have heard a lot of negative about D8, but I'll be honest,
> I've done some
> pretty hefty projects in D8 that have been running as
> shockwave and CD-ROm
> deliverables without any major hitches. Some people might blast me for
> saying that in my experience, D8 has been reasonably stable
> in my books...
> but then again I don't use every feature of it.
like Mark, after all my bitching about it I have used D8 for over a dozen
very large projects over the past year & I have not had the problems you are
experiencing. there must be something that is different here. FWIW I never
use play play done, I always use go movie. I also do a lot of OOP coding &
like you specifically unloading stuff. I do, however, sometimes throw in a
unload and unloadMember command for good measure when there are a lot of
movies being loaded & unloaded.
FWIW I would be suspect of a new Xtra & try the same app on a target machine
that you know where you can hard code the valuse in that you are using the
Xtra to read. see if it happens.
just my 2 cents,
Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.
A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."
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