No I didn't, thank you.  Could I do something like:
set the activeWindow = window "mainmovie"

Thanks for your help!!!

Did you try setting the activeWindwo back to the main movie?

At 4:45 PM -0400 6/4/01, Gene Fritzinger wrote:
>Hello List,
>I  have a director movie with many MIAWs.  One of the MIAW has an 
>exitFrame script that checks for the character count of four field 
>members.  When the char.count reaches "10" , a custom handler is 
>called which rounds the date from the field forward to the next 
>Saturday and another date from a field backward to the previous 
>Sunday.  This functionality works fine until I open another MIAW 
>which allows the user to interactively select a date range which 
>then populates those fields members I spoke of earlier.  The problem 
>is, after that last MIAW closes after populating the fields,  the 
>exitFrame script which checks the character count no longer works. 
>I'm closing my MIAWs by setting variables, and allowing the main 
>movie to kill the windows.  It just seems like control is not 
>rerturning to the movie with the field members and so the exitFrame 
>script is not executing.  I know this explanation of my problem is 
>vague, but if anyone could suggest possible areas to look at, please 
>g fritzinger

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