
Announcing two new resources for the Director community:

1) Open Xtras Web site

With this message, I am pleased to announce the launch of the http://openxtras.org/ 
Web site, a new non-profit community center whose purpose is to promote the 
development and release of Open Source Xtras, and Xtras in general.

2) PRegEx: Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions for Lingo

The first Open Source offering on the site is:

PRegEx 1.0, a free Xtra for Lingo that provides full Perl-compatible Regular 
Expression capabilities and a large number of related utilities.

A brief summary of PRegEx is pasted below.

For full documentation and download, including built binaries for Mac and Windows as 
well as full source, visit the PRegEx home page:





What is PRegEx?

    PRegEx is a free, cross-platform scripting Xtra for Director 7+.

    It does searching, replacing, data extraction, and more.

    It provides the "search" features of PCRE (the Perl-Compatible
    Regular Expression library from http://pcre.org/), while adding
    its own "replace" capabilities.

    It also supplies Lingo versions of some powerful features of Perl
    pertaining to manipulating string data, lists, and property lists,
    and converting between and among all those different formats.

    You don't have to know anything about Perl to use it.

    You don't have to know about regular expressions to use it.  But
    you can do some pretty cool stuff if you do know about them.

Who should use it?

    If you have ever needed to use Lingo to:

     - do any kind of text searching
     - modify strings
     - parse anything
     - extract data from a file
     - standardize data formats
     - clean/canonicalize/validate user-provided data fields
     - manipulate lists and property lists
     - copy or deep-copy lists / property lists
     - reverse lists
     - convert a list of one kind of thing into another kind of thing
     - use custom sort functions to sort lists
     - sort lists without modifying the original
     - filter lists
     - deal with binary data buffers in Lingo
     - do any of the above with very large string buffers
     - call a handler, passing arguments, and get return value
     - have a way for a callback function to signal its caller
     - quickly read/write entire files into/from memory
     - globally map characters in buffers
     - etc.

   ... then PRegEx is for you.

    If you have not used regular expressions before, then as you learn
    them, you will hardly believe how powerful they are.  They are
    like a whole new programing language unto themselves.  Enjoy. 

Chris Thorman                                       (413) 473-0853 e-fax

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