I've answered my own question, but in case anyone else ever needs to know this....it's obvious, but undocumented (at least I couldn't find the documentation....) If you want to use an FSCommand in a Flash movie for sending commands to a browser, but also want to be able to use that same movie in a Director movie, you can intercept the FSCommand this way: on getURL me, stringFromFlash, num if stringFromFlash = "FSCommand:yourFunction" then Your code here else More of your code here end if end or more simply, if you want to ignore the actual FSCommand, and just want to use the argument: on getURL me, stringFromFlash, num do something with num here end Obviously you can use a case statement if you plan on using a variety of FSCommands. In fact, you can completely ignore the actually FSCommand, and just write lingo to use the arguments, if that is the only way you plan to use it....speeds up the coding in Flash! In our case, we are calling all the elements that make up a screen with the num argument, and can in fact leave the FXCommand empty. For safety sake, we will put a function name in there, but only plan to use that one function.... It seems obvious in retrospect that Director would see the FSCommand as a getURL function, but it sure would have been nice if someone had mentioned that somewhere in all the Director and Lingo documentation.... Anyway, thanks for the help, Diana I originally posted: I'm working on a director movie that will have all it's navigation controlled by Flash. This is a single frame movie, with all the elements added and positioned via lingo. I want to call the various Director elements that make up the pages using FSCommand, instead of a lingo command or getURL:event command (which I currently have working). The reason for using FSCommand is to avoid re-coding every single navigation command when we port the project into HTML. As usual, I'm trying to avoid doing things more than once:-) I keep reading at various support sites, and in Macromedia's tech notes that lingo CAN be written that will make use of the output of FSCommand, but I cannot find any examples anywhere of what that syntax might be. Anyone here have any ideas? Happy to explain more about what we're trying to do, if anyone's interested... Thanks for the help! Diana -- "From now I will think with a plus mind." Koichi Tohei, Founder--Ki Society International Diana Robson [EMAIL PROTECTED] ORegon Center for Applied Science, Inc. [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.penworks.com/LUJ/lingo-l.cgi To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]