hello gene
maybe the following function will help you a littel bit:
on Get_Day_of_the_Week theYear, theMonth, theDay, theLanguage
is_leap_year = #false
dL = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
if (theYear mod 4 = 0) then
if ( (theYear mod 100 > 0) or (theYear mod 400 = 0) ) then
dL[2] = 29
is_leap_year = #true
end if
end if
case (theLanguage) of
wDayList = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday",
wDayList = [ "Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag",
"Freitag", "Samstag"]
end case
d = theDay
-- test the day:
if ( d > dl[theMonth] ) then
day_exist = #false
day_exist = #true
end if
m = theMonth -1
repeat with i = 1 to m
d = d + dl[i]
end repeat
j = theYear - 1
t = j + (j/4) - (j/100) + (j/400) + d
x = (t mod 7) +1
return [#day_exist: day_exist, #day: getAt(wDayList, x), #leap_year: is_leap_year]
put Get_Day_of_the_Week (1966, 1, 3, #d)
-- [#day_exist: #true, #day: "Montag", #leap_year: #false]
dietrich roland
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