There is no way to accurately sync timeline elements with a Quicktime movie
(believe me I've tried!)  You have to use lingo.  Here is a script I used a
while back to sync a text field to a quicktime movie:

on exitFrame

if the movieTime of sprite 12 > 300 then
    set the text of member "text" to "YOUR TEXT HERE"
    end if

if the movieTime of sprite 12 > 600 then
    set the text of member "text" to "MORE OF YOUR TEXT"
  end if

if the movieTime of sprite 12 = (the duration of cast 10) then
    go to frame 30 
  end if 
  go to the frame

I'm sure you could add a:

     set the member of sprite whatever to whatever

in the if statement to change pictures along with the text.

Also the numbers in the above script relate to ticks in QT, or 1/60th of a
second, I believe.  Maybe a 30th, but just throw some numbers in there and
you'll find out soon enough.

If this isn't specfic enough just let me know, and I'd be happy to give you
a hand.



Kyle Smeby
ASI Image Studios

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