Here it is:

put interface (xtra "DumpSymbolXtra")
-- "xtra DumpSymbolXtra -- blabla from Holland!
* DumpSymbol integer index -- returns symbol at index from 0 to ?

Here is some sample code to print out a range of symbols

on dumpSymbols startIndex, endIndex
  repeat with x = startIndex to endIndex
    put string(x) & ":" && DumpSymbol(x)
  end repeat
end dumpSymbols

Note that there are a virtually unlimited number of symbols depending on
what Xtras you have installed and what symbols your program defines.

dumpSymbols (100, 110)
-- "100: pause"
-- "101: timeout"
-- "102: label"
-- "103: puppet"
-- "104: immediate"
-- "105: forecolor"
-- "106: backcolor"
-- "107: stretch"
-- "108: cursor"
-- "109: text"
-- "110: hilite"

>Are there any global handlers for this xtra ?
>I've not got anywhere trying to make an instance or using interface() or the
>old mMessageList.

>> You can traverse the symbolTable with the dumpsymbol Xtra:
>> Jakob

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