JaCQUES wrote:

> I would like to now how to search a word in a field and then
> highlighting this word.


If the amount of text in your field is not too large you can do this in
Lingo. If you do not need to pre-index your search there is an article by
Pat McClellan on DOUG (www.director-online.com) that will certainly help you
out. Search using "text" and "search" as keywords. If there is enough text
where you might want to index each field in advance for a very speedy search
then there is an article about doing it in tLingo on UpdateStage here:


However if you have a HUGE amount of text in the field of you need to search
the contents of a large file, you may want to use an Xtra like TextCruncher
from UpdateStage. TextCruncher does lightning-fast searchs of text. You can
use it in a Director projector or in a Shockwave movie to perform a
real-time fulltext search or even create indices for an indexed search of
very large amounts of text. The latter seems appropriate for your needs.
Here is an article in the UpdateStage archives that will help get you on
your way


There actually is a drag and drop behavior in the current demo that does the
indexing and runtime search for you.

The current version of TextCruncher Xtra is a commercial product available
for sale through www.updateStage.com. It is $129, is for both Mac and
supports Director 6-8 and is Shockwave safe.

For more information, download a trial version or to order TextCruncher go



Al Hospers
Marketing Associate

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