thanks, all, for the input.

Seems I was in the ballpark, but not precise enough.

Clars Danvold

"Mark A. Boyd" wrote:
> CRLF = numToChar(13) &numToChar(10)

Tab Julius wrote:
> > Do the chars appear at the end?  If so, you're probably doing it in the
> wrong order.  It should be 13 followed by 10 (CR/LF).

Slava Paperno wrote:
> If you use File IO to write out this string: strLine1 & RETURN & strLine2 &
> RETURN and then open the resulting file under Mac OS with SimpleText,
> you'll be seeing properly formatted text, with a line break after strLine1
> and strLine2. If you do the same under Windows, the RETURN constant is
> still just one character, decimal 13, but Windows apps expect it to be
> followed by Line Feed, character decimal 10. Some applications, e.g. Word
> 2000, will automatically insert a LF after each CR. Open your file in Word,
> and you'll probably see properly formatted lines. Other apps, e.g. Notepad,
> will see a CR (decimal 13) and if it is not followed by a LF (10), will not
> break a line at that point. And without CR being interpreted as a line
> break, the app has no other choice but to display it by itself, hence the
> rectangles.
> Before outputting your string, run a repeat loop to (1) zap all LF,
> NumToChar(10) characters that may be there from your other processing, and
> then (2) insert a NumToChar(10) after every NumToChar(13).

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