A button in my movie assigns an editable text member to a sprite. 
Immediately after that, I have the command:

member(X).selection = [3, 4]

That's the last command in the handler.

The idea is to set the focus to the editable text member and to place the 
insertion point where I want, highlighting the text that will be deleted, 
when the user starts typing.

However, the insertion cursor (the blinking vertical line) disappears 
entirely after that member.selection[] command, and the character doesn't 
look selected. I know the insertion point is where I want it, because if I 
start typing, char 4 is replaced by my typing, and the insertion cursor 
appears where it should. If I click the desktop, and then click the 
projector/Director window, the selected character does appear selected, and 
the insertion cursor does reappear. If I set the sprite.visible to false 
and then immediately reset it true, the cursor reappears, and the character 
is highlighted again. So I stuck these two commands right after the 
member().selection[] command, and everything is fine.

This happens in D8 on the Mac both in authoring and projector modes, and 
persists after rebooting.

Can someone confirm that I'm not the only one who has to resort to this 
workaround? Is this a known quirk?


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