Hello lists,

      First i would like to thank you Irv for your help and explanation.  I
did use the debugger while i was tracing the content of the variables. That
problem was solved already.  A very simple mistake was causing the problem.
I was thinking that the sqr function of VB is sqr also of Lingo which is not
at all. It is the sqrt function of lingo!

     But anyways, i have this other program code in VB which will compute
for a Price Binomial (part of our project).  The VB code contains part which
is having a negative value for the index of the array.  I was making a
linear list as its equivalent code in Lingo but the big problem is Lingo
does not allow zero or negative index values for the list, am i right?

     Below is the VB code which needs to be converted to Lingo.

    Function binom_opt(ameuro As String, callput As String, spot As Double,
strike As Double, vola As Double, rate As Double, divi As Double, days As
Double, n As Integer)

 Dim delta_t As Double, disc As Double
 Dim up As Double, dn As Double
 Dim p1 As Double, p2 As Double, a As Double
 Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, phi As Integer
 Dim f10 As Double, f11 As Double, f20 As Double
 Dim f21 As Double, f22 As Double
 Dim price As Double, delta As Double, gamma As Double, theta As Double
 Dim vega As Double, rho As Double
 Dim t1 As Double, t2 As Double

 Dim vola1 As Double
 Dim rate1 As Double
 Dim divi1 As Double
 Dim time As Double
 Dim values(4, 1) As Double

 ReDim v(-n To n) As Double    ' option price
 ReDim s(-n To n) As Double    ' stock price

 vola1 = vola / 100
 rate1 = rate / 100
 divi1 = divi / 100
 time = days / 365

 If callput = "c" Then
   phi = 1
 ElseIf callput = "p" Then
   phi = -1
 End If

 delta_t = time / n
 up = Exp(vola1 * Sqr(delta_t))
 dn = 1 / up
 a = Exp((rate1 - divi1) * delta_t)
 p1 = (a - dn) / (up - dn)
 p2 = 1 - p1
 disc = Exp(-rate1 * delta_t)
 p1 = p1 * disc
 p2 = p2 * disc

 --this is the part where the problem starts

 s(0) = spot
 For j = 1 To n Step 1
   s(j) = s(j - 1) * up
   s(-j) = s(-j + 1) * dn
 Next j

 ' at end nodes

 For j = -n To n Step 2
   v(j) = dmax(phi * (s(j) - strike), 0)
 Next j

 For i = n - 1 To 0 Step -1                ' time loop

    For j = -i To i Step 2                     ' space loop

       v(j) = p1 * v(j + 1) + p2 * v(j - 1)      ' european

        If ameuro = "a" Then                      ' american
          t1 = phi * (s(j) - strike)
          t2 = v(j)
          v(j) = dmax(t1, t2)
        End If

      If i = 1 And j = 1 Then
       f11 = v(j)
      ElseIf i = 1 And j = -1 Then
       f10 = v(j)
      ElseIf i = 2 And j = -2 Then
       f20 = v(j)
      ElseIf i = 2 And j = 0 Then
       f21 = v(j)
      ElseIf i = 2 And j = 2 Then
       f22 = v(j)
      End If
    Next j
 Next i

 price = v(0)
  binom_opt = price

End Function

        Any suggestion or help is greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance,

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