[I wrote]
> > repeat with i = 2 to member("selectedProds").lines.count
> >   the fontStyle of line i of member("selectedprods") = "plain"
> > end repeat

[then Pekka wrote]
> But I must say, the approach is Clunky to say the least
> You could also try:
> lastline = (member("selectedProds").linecount)
> member("selectedprods").line[2..lastline].fontstyle = "plain"
> or
> member("selectedprods").fontstyle = "plain"
> member("selectedprods").line[1].fontstyle = "bold" --(or whatever)
Absolutely. For reference, I copied and pasted that code from a more complex
script in the lines of:

the fontStyle of member(myField) = "plain"
repeat with i = 1 to member(myField).lines.count
  case condition[i] of
      the fontStyle of line i of member(myField) = "bold"
      the fontStyle of line i of member(myField) = "italic"
  end case
end repeat

I'd have to check again, but I don't think that dox syntax works for
fontStyle and #field.

... Alex ...

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