At 11:40 AM -0400 6/25/01, John Horn wrote:
>I need to pass about 10 different variables from Flash into Director any
>suggestions as to how to accomplish this without having to send each one

Use the Flash ActionScript getURL function.  In Director, attach a behavior
to your Flash sprite which has an "on getURL" handler and process the event
calls to do what you want with the data.

...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on visitWebsite yourSelection
 coolSites = [ \
   #advancedSeminars : "";, \
   #directorUniversity: "";, \
   #multiuserUniversity: "";, \
   #flashUniversity: "";, \
   #freeBehaviors : "";]
 gotoNetPage coolSites[yourSelection]
end visitWebsite

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