Hi Gene

Well. What you need is to store the number of the line the previous hit was
on and on searching
the lines below for a possible next hit...

Something like
repeat with i = PreviousHit + 1  to member("ZoneMastText").line.count
should help you along.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Gene Fritzinger
> Sent: 26. kesakuuta 2001 18:33
> Subject: <lingo-l> Help with modifying this code to "Search Again"
> Good morning List,
> Sorry about that, I hit the Send button prematurely earlier.
> I've writen the code below to act as a searching function.  There
> are 2 fields (member "searchFor") which, on keyUp looks in field
> 2  "ZoneMastText" for a match of what was entered in "searchFor"
> and will hilite the entire line of the first match it finds.
> What I'd like to do is add another button labeled "Search Again",
> that when clicked, will jump to the NEXT occurrence of the
> searchFor text, and if there are no more occurences, will stay
> hilited on the last occurrence.  Can anyone suggest the best way
> to do this?
> on keyUp
>   searchStr = member("searchFor").text
>   pMember = member "ZoneMastText"
>   repeat with i = 1 to member("ZoneMastText").line.count
>     set lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
>     if member("ZoneMastText").line[i] contains searchStr then
>       if lineNumber = 1 then
>         startChar = 1
>       else
>         startChar = (pMember.text.line[1..lineNumber - 1]).length + 2
>       end if
>       endChar = (pMember.text.line[1..lineNumber]).length + 1
>       hilite char startChar to endChar of field pMember
>       member("ZoneMastText").scrollTop = 0
>       scrollByLine member "ZoneMastText", lineNumber - 10
>       exit repeat
>     end if
>   end repeat
> end
> Thanx in advance,
> g fritzinger
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