When linking a cast to an external .cst file, I try to determine if it's a 
good castLib file by:

castLib("MyDynamicCast").filename = "existing_file.cst"
locFailed = false
repeat with i = the number of members of castLib("MyDynamicCast") down to 1
    locMem = member(i, "MyDynamicCast")
    if (locMem.type = #empty) or (not locMem.name contains 
MyNamingConvention) then locFailed = true
end repeat

Will any invalid members slip through the type #empty test?

Is my very first statement, locMem = member(i, "MyDynamicCast") likely to 
cause a Director error under some conditions?

When a cast file is selected from Director's own "Where is..?" dialog, and 
the user selects a file that is not a valid cast file, Director tells you 
so. How does it know? What does it check? Can I check this before even 
assigning a file to be the cast's external source (on Mac and Windows)?

Any tips will, be appreciated.


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