OK, but I am not talking about shockwave, I am talking about a normal
projector, or would You call this shockwave too? I am not using a
browser. By the way I am working on MacOS. I have been generating 200
getNetText in a row without waiting for the result (as You can see in
the former script) and apart from getting very slow, all results were
correct. Could it be,that Director builds its own waiting list and does
it request by request and just delivers the results all at once? I don't
think so, but I would be very interested if You tried my script and see
that it is not limited to 4.

Best regards, Florian

Al Hospers wrote:
> > Sorry, what is a reghack?
> hacking a value in the system registry
> > I am not talking about shockwave at all, just about a projector / D8
> > authoring. So I don't see how the browser comes into this?
> I think, correct me if I am wrong here, that the same parameters that
> control the number of available streams in the browser, do the same
> for SW. this is being handled on a system level & they are
> interrelated.
> Al Hospers
> CamberSoft, Inc.
> al<at>cambersoft<dot>com
> http://www.cambersoft.com
> A famous linguist once said:
> "There is no language wherein a double
> positive can form a negative."
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