> i encountered some problem launching the projector file. Wondering
> someone please advise?
> it say" textasset.x32, fontxtra.x32, fontasset.x32,
> flashasset.x32 are all
> missing while trying to create a projector file."
> unable to load movies playlist.Does the .INI file exist? it
> must contain a
> section [movies] with an entry movie01 = pathname.dir"

sounds to me like you have built this big honking projector & not
included all the Xtras that are required. go to the MM site & search
on Xtras in the Director section. read the stuff on how to put
together a projector & put the required Xtras in an Xtras folder.

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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