From: Roy C. Crisman

>> methinks yes.
>> put all of the xtras, for both platforms, in one xtras folder, and
>> both projectors at the same level as that one xtras folder.
>> the mac side/ windows side thing controls what the user sees, but
>> xtras should be in the same folder.
>It's been a while since I've built a XPlat CD, but from what I
>remember this is not correct. each projector needs to be in its own
>platform specific partition with its Xtras. the data and movies may be
>shared however.

That's the elegant way of doing it, Al.  But you don't have to (and I don't know
that recommending it to people having problems enough already is a good thing:).

You can just have one setup with the PCProjector.exe and MacProjector sitting in
the same place, sharing the same Xtras folder with all the Xtras for both
platforms in the same Xtras folder.

I'd suggest maybe trying that out and making sure that that is working before
you start having separate PC and Mac resources (Xtras folder, Projector) and
else shared (*.dxr *.cxt files on the mac parition but shared to the PC side (if
you're talking Toast)).


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