All numbers are divisible by any other number as long as that other number 
isn't zero.

I suspect, though, you mean "evenly divisible", such that there's no remainder.

In that case, this is how you do it:

What you want to do is to see if the result matches the result when 
converted to an integer.  Example:

if (a / b) = integer(a / b) then
   -- Put evenly divisible!
end if

If a=8.0 and b=3, then the result would be 2.6667, and 2.6667 would not 
equal integer(2.6667), which is 2, so it would fail.

Some might suggest checking the modulus of the number.  The mod of evenly 
divisible integers is 0.  This works, EXCEPT you must know for a fact that 
you are comparing integers.  If they are float values (like 8.2) then it 
won't work.

If they are straight integers, then you can do this:

if (a mod b) = 0 then
   -- Put evenly divisible!
end if

- Tab

At 12:50 PM 7/16/01 -0400, Bill Numerick wrote:
>Hey All,
>How can I find out if something is divisable by a certain number?

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