Hi Michelle,

I also use a scheme for addressing sprites by name instead of channel number. I wrote 
an article on it for DOUG and you can
find it at:


Briefly, instead of using sendallsprite I drop a behavior on each sprite that I want 
to reference by name which . There is
also a group entry for sending to multiple sprites, and sprites can belong to multiple 
groups. Basically when each sprite is
born it registers itself in a data member and I can then reference that data member 
for sprite numbers in my code. So my code
would look something like


where the function "sid" returns the sprite reference ie: sprite(1)
This also allows you to address properties of the sprite like loc with this structure: 

I did some testing when I was working with on this and when you are dealing with a lot 
of sprites on stage you will notice an
improvement in response vs a sendallsprites system since you are specifically 
targetting the sprites you want to communicate
with and not sending out a blanket call that has to hit all the sprites.

let me know what you think,


Michelle Elliott wrote:

> Hi all.  This is my first post here, so please pardon me if I'm addressing an issue 
>inappropriate for this forum...
> I have developed a way of addressing sprites without using their channel number.  
>Instead, I use a sendAllSprites command,
> and have the receiving scripts filter out extraneous messages using an addressing 
>scheme as follows.
> Each sprite has a script attached called "Sprite Msg Filter".  This script has a 
>property list dialogue in which the user,
> during authoring mode, assigns a Function, Group, Name, and Index to the sprite.  
>For example, a custom slider that
> controls Music Volume might have Function="Slider", Group="Options", Name="Music 
>Volume", Index=1.  If the
> "Sprite Msg Filter" script verifies that the command is intended for its sprite, it 
>passes the command to the sprite using
> sendSprite(me.spriteNum)
> Here is an example to set the above mentioned volume slider to the maximum value 
>(please excuse any typos, there
> may be a character missing somewhere):
> -- "Sprite Msg Filter" receiving syntax
> -- myFunction, myGroup, etc. are set via a property dialogue during authoring mode
> -- note: this is a simplified version of the filtering logic
> on SpriteMsg(me, strFunction, strGroup, strName, nIndex, strMsg)
>   if (strFunction=myFunction and strGroup=myGroup and strName=myName and 
>nIndex=myIndex) then
>     msg = "sendSprite(me.spriteNum, " & strMsg & ")"
>     do msg
>   end if
> end
> -- calling syntax
> -- note: the 0 in "msg" is simply to demonstrate that arguments can be part of the 
>message conveyed
> msg = "Slider_SetToMaximum, 0"
> sendAllSprites(#SpriteMsg, "Slider", "Options", "Music Volume", 1, msg)
> Additional logic allows the specification of wildcard values, to address multiple 
>sprites: the argument "any" will
> match any value for Function, Group or Name, and the argument 0 (zero) will match 
>any value for Index.
> "Sprite Msg Filter" also contains logic to allow indices to be specified (via the 
>property dialogue) for an
> entire group of sprites, such as assigning the 52 cards in a deck the indices 1 to 
>52, as long as they are in
> consecutive sprite channels.
> Not all sprites have a "Sprite Msg Filter" attached -- just the ones that need to be 
>addressed.  Note that by
> externalizing the filter (not putting it in the functional script itself) I can even 
>use this method with behaviors
> from the standard library.  (My first iteration included the filtering in the 
>functional behaviors -- very ugly!)
> I have experimented with this method a fair amount, and found that it doesn't impose 
>any significant overhead.
> The reason I use this method is so that I don't have to hardcode in sprite indices 
>-- I tend to move sprites
> around in the score a lot.
> Okay, having explained my own method, here is my question: Is anyone doing something 
>different that
> achieves the same ends, i.e., "logical addressing" that embodies domain-related 
>concepts rather than using the
> default addressing provided by the IDE?  I think my method is pretty elegant, but it 
>does have overhead, and
> the indirection entailed can make debugging a bit trickier.
> Thanks!
> --
> Michelle Elliott
> Director of Game Development
> WickedWare, LLC.
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