I've always had trouble with gifs in Director.
I either resort to using film loops, or more frequently, build my own
Attach a behaviour to a sprite that builds an array of cast members in it's
beginSprite handler. These form the images to show in the 'gif-like loop'.
this can be automated (ie not hard-wired) eg:
-- top of head, untested email lingo - treat as pseudo-code
property myImages, play, waitTime
on beginsprite me
castCount = the number of members in CastLib("Internal")
myImages = list()
play = true -- plays immediately
waitTime = 100 -- ticks value before showing next image. Or use on exitframe
to link to movierate.
repeat with i = 1 to castCount
if member (i, "Internal").name contains "ball" then
end if
end repeat
Then, you control the sprite looping speed, playback, pause etc by accessing
it's properties or globals (eg sprite(loopSprite.play = false - then have an
"if playing" Boolean check in exitframe etc)
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Michael Nadel
> Sent: 18 July 2001 14:31
> Subject: <lingo-l> lingo for animated gifs? or at least tricks?
> Is there any way to get an animated gif to PAUSED at first, and later to
> give some command to start it to PLAY? I am desperate for Lingo
> for animated
> gifs, or at least some TRICKS to get it to do what I want. Anybody?
> For example, it would be nice to have some lingo to tell it how many times
> to repeat the animation, for example. But is there anyway at
> least to PAUSE
> and PLAY?
> Thanks!
> Michael Nadel
> Mediart - Multimedia as an Art Form
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