Dear linguists !

Iīve been trying to find an xtra that records the sound of a projector or a
shockwave movie onto the harddisk. Not just one sound, but the whole
lot that is happening if, say, the user is mixing few sounds in the movie.
(and that could include QuickTime Sound)

Up to now I thought there werenīt any, but then I read this mail from
Robert, and now I am just wondering which are these xtras mentioned,
and do they record all sounds playing onto the harddisk as .wav or .aiff?

Thanks in advance for your help, and also for a brilliant postlist.


Robertīs mail I refer to is the following:

 > I need to find a way from a projector to record audio and save it in a
 > compressed audio format... preferably something that can be streamed like
 > .swa's (shockwave audio) or mp3's.
 > I have found several xtras that will record audio saving as .aif's or
 > .wav's... but nothing that will save in a compressed audio format.
 > I have to submit a proposal by Monday at noon so any quick help or ideas
 > would be greatly appreciated.
 > Thanks ahead of time for your help.
 > Robert

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