> Thank you.  I looked over this xtra but it doesn't have
> any commands to read/write a text file over a network.
> How can I do that?  Should I move/create the file on the
> C:\windows\desktop and then make my edits there and then
> move the file back to the network folder?
> The text file needs to be named what I need it to, and all
> it will contain is a comma delineated list.  This file will
> be checked for when a user logs in, and, if it exists, the
> list will be loaded by Director and parsed, probably using
> value() to convert the string to a list.  If the file doesn't
> exist, it needs to be created based on the user information.

this Xtra doesn't write files. you need to create the file in
Director, use FileIO to write it to disk and then copy it where you
want using the Xtra.

IMNSHO if you don't want the user to know about it then I personally
wouldn't writer it on the Desktop...


Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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